Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Seven Deadly sins wrap up.

Here is the final book, start to finish.


I really enjoyed this project. It was a lot of fun taking photos of my roommates and going a little extreme with some of them (wrath). It was also really refreshing to do something different; something not so graphic, at least that's the way I think of it. I also learned a bunch from doing this project. Such as, it's a good idea to just mess around with some compositions and ideas even if you're main idea isn't ready to do, and perfectly in tune. Also, using people isn't the easiest thing in the world, especially at art school. Everyone has their own deadlines and things to do. So, I really appreciate how cooperative my friends were with me. I probably set up and shot the whole thing 3 times, and then reshot one scene to get it working better.

Another thing I learned was don't wait to upload photos, especially if you're borrowing a camera. Get them on your hard drive before they disappear to 'delete' land.

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