Monday, March 29, 2010

First iterations:Information Graphics

The first round of info graphics was interesting, challenging and fun. At the start of this, I was really flustered and kind of getting sick of my theme. But, starting the info graphics, it's introduced a new element that I'm liking. I'm definitely not saying that I'm the best at it, but I'm having a good time figuring out a good way to show a successful graphic that uses my icons in a good way. Here are some of my first ideas:
After speaking with Jamie about my initial ideas, I found out that time is problematic for my picnic. I honestly just could not think of a way to integrate it in a good way within my information graphics. Looking at these now my favorite is the collage of the picnic scene I went out earlier today to take some photos to use for this, but I'm also considering a nice collage/montage for this graphic and then. The mapping though in this one was good, but integrated a time-based small info graphic may be difficult. I was thinking about using my ant info graphic, but on the ant hill in my map.
Also, I'm going to expand more on the actual map of the united states to show where the fatalities have happened. Also, where the great picnic spots are in throughout America. Adding a nice bar graph, or pi-chart within this graphic is a need.

Another info graphic I'm going to start out with, is expanding more on the comparing of picnic baskets and wine. I'm going to make info graphic about an affordable picnic, and which items are the best to use, while being cost aware.

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