Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A new arrival

Here we are again, and it feels like that 6 weeks did not exist at all. Oh, well. Back to work.

Starting off in type we're putting together a poster for the "Change one thing" competition for AIGA. Sounds interesting, but intimidating. For now, I have some broad ideas about what situation or idea I'd like to change one thing in.

1.) Over consumption, or just basically the idea about how everything is "made in China"
2.) Animal Abuse, specifically focusing on puppy mills.
3.) The cost of higher education in America, and how private loans build and build.

Still brainstorming, and wondering about what other issues that possibly may be more light-hearted to think about, and possibly not a social issue.
-----The new class that us wonderful sophomores are taking is an image class, focusing on digital photography, and the first assignment consists of semiotics and translating them for our own self, and personality within on project. ICON, INDEX, and SYMBOL...these are all things that we have to find images of ourselves within.

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